Are You Ready For #PitMad? Better Yet, What is PitMad?

#Pitmad is almost Here! But Before you get too excited, you might want to know exactly what it is. Pitmad in collaboration with #Pitchwars, is a contest hosted entirely on Twitter. For one day, the contest allows you to pitch your novel to actual agents and publishers. Awesome right? Want to know how? Keep reading, the rules are simple.

    1. Using the maximum 140 characters allowed in a tweet, write a pitch about your book. You won’t be using a lot of words, so write what might, best capture the interest of a lit agent or publisher.
    2. The pitch must be for a polished and fully completed manuscript. No exceptions.
    3. When writing your pitch you must be able to include the words #pitmad and genre (YA, A, MG, etc) in your tweet, that way agents and publishers following the thread will be able to view your tweet and know what genre your book is. Sidenote: You can also include the category of your work SF, HF, F, etc, in your tweet but it’s not mandatory, as it also takes away from the amount of characters in the pitch.
    4. If you decide to participate in #pitmad, You will only be allowed to pitch 3 tweets per completed manuscript. Since participants are only allotted 3 pitches, it would be wise to space your pitches throughout the course of the day. Important Side note: Your manuscript pitches do not have to be the same! You have 3 chances to make your manuscript shine, so craft your pitch with all the juicy, gory, cliffhanging, goodness, that you’ve got.
    5. # 5 is a very important rule. If you have friends who are participating in #pitmad, or if you’re participating yourself, Do not “heart” or like a pitch. Liking a pitch is solely for literary agents, and publishers who may be interested in your manuscript. (Although the creators of #pitmad have confirmed that it is okay for others to retweet the pitch to show their support.
    6. Lastly, don’t pitch unless you’re absolutely ready. Pitmad is a very serious contest for those who have complete, and polished works, and are ready to take them to the next level. This is a great chance to be discovered by an agent or publisher.

Thanks to #PitMad and its creators: @BrendaDrake and @HeatherCashman on twitter, lots of aspiring writers have gone on to partner with agents, and publishers. This could be that shining opportunity you’ve been waiting for. If you think you’ve got the materials, why not give it a shot!

The event will be hosted from 8am to 8pm Est. on September 7, 2017. Good luck, you’ve still got some time to get that manuscript into shape.

So Come On!

we can do it

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