Category Archives: Rants And Things

No One Likes Disappointment.

You know that feeling when something doesn’t go your way, the crushing despair and disappointment you feel, when you are notified of bad news. It feels like someone has taken a stab at you in the dark, there’s a sudden, and unexpected pain. You clamber helplessly and try to correct your footing. For a terrifying moment there’s panic and fear.

You have a strong spirit, so quickly you gather yourself, and let the disappointing news set in. It feels like someone has pulled your bleeding heart from your chest, and crushed it, as you watch while your life essence succumbs nothingness.Your soul has been extracted from your body, and is no longer more than just a breathing, living shell…

Dramatic; I know, I enjoy drama, but I hope you never experience having your heart ripped out unexpectedly in front of you, please do be careful, and try to refrain from such things, as I’m sure it would be very unpleasant.

It’s unfortunate that as overly dramatic as these feelings may seem, it is indisputable that disappoint never gets any easier, not the 2nd, the 3rd, or even 100th.

It’s what you chose to do afterwards that’s important.

It’s okay to take your disappointment to heart.The harder you hurt, the stronger you’ll be when you rise and heal again. Moping is fine, but don’t mope in despair forever. Don’t be too discouraged, and don’t let disappointment get the best of you. Always have the courage to pick yourself up and try just one more time.

If you’re feeling down right now here’s some great epic, moping music to comfort you in your despair. Feel free to listen on repeat. Seriously, it’s a good song.

Epic Moping Music Here.

dont give up



It’s Pretty Clear That Toddlers Suck.

Yes, their chubby cheeks are cute, and their kisses are heaven-sent, but the catastrophic messes they make, and the unpredictable tantrums they throw, can give anyone the urge to lock themselves into a room, crawl into a ball, and cry… Continue reading It’s Pretty Clear That Toddlers Suck.

Struggles of A Socially Awkward Introvert.

Being a social introvert does have some perks to it. Sure, having alone time is great, and not being pressured to attend excessively, loud and crowded gatherings and events is a plus as well… But when you stop and realize that you’ve only acquainted approximately 3 and a half people out of nearly 7.5 billion, and even then, you only speak to one of the three on occasion; you might say to yourself:

Oh my God I think it’s time for me to make some new friends. Continue reading Struggles of A Socially Awkward Introvert.

My Apologies.

I love my children very much but 90% of the time my nerves are always on edge. Whether it be figuring out what we’re going to eat today, or because I have two toddlers screaming at me, or each other, it gets very frustrating. Continue reading My Apologies.