Tag Archives: thoughts

No One Likes Disappointment.

You know that feeling when something doesn’t go your way, the crushing despair and disappointment you feel, when you are notified of bad news. It feels like someone has taken a stab at you in the dark, there’s a sudden, and unexpected pain. You clamber helplessly and try to correct your footing. For a terrifying moment there’s panic and fear.

You have a strong spirit, so quickly you gather yourself, and let the disappointing news set in. It feels like someone has pulled your bleeding heart from your chest, and crushed it, as you watch while your life essence succumbs nothingness.Your soul has been extracted from your body, and is no longer more than just a breathing, living shell…

Dramatic; I know, I enjoy drama, but I hope you never experience having your heart ripped out unexpectedly in front of you, please do be careful, and try to refrain from such things, as I’m sure it would be very unpleasant.

It’s unfortunate that as overly dramatic as these feelings may seem, it is indisputable that disappoint never gets any easier, not the 2nd, the 3rd, or even 100th.

It’s what you chose to do afterwards that’s important.

It’s okay to take your disappointment to heart.The harder you hurt, the stronger you’ll be when you rise and heal again. Moping is fine, but don’t mope in despair forever. Don’t be too discouraged, and don’t let disappointment get the best of you. Always have the courage to pick yourself up and try just one more time.

If you’re feeling down right now here’s some great epic, moping music to comfort you in your despair. Feel free to listen on repeat. Seriously, it’s a good song.

Epic Moping Music Here.

dont give up



Thought of The Week. 8/11/17

Thought of The Week: “Anything that you believe in is worth fighting for.”

Sure, it’s easy to drown yourself in what seems to be constant doubt, whether you’re worried about what other people will feel or say, or just because you’re deciding to step out, and take a stab at something that you’ve never done.

It’s okay to be afraid, to put your heart out there for something that, not everyone agrees with, or understands. The painful truth is, not everyone will understand. Even those closest to us don’t always support the decisions we make, but only we know, what’s best for us.

Sometimes our potential to be great becomes restricted by thoughts and negativity imposed on us, not just by ourselves, but by others. That is why it’s important for us to push past all these success crippling fears, and doubts.

Silence thoughts of those who would attempt to sway you from your goals and dreams, and dare to go after what you believe.

At the end of the day, when they lie in their bed and close their eyes, they are not you.

Your thoughts, your feelings, your goals, your beliefs, are all apart of what makes you, you. If something is important to you, whether it’s a thought, dream, project, idea, etc, then it’s definitely worth whatever it takes. Don’t let anyone stand in your way. No matter what anyone says keep striving at it; one day it will all be worth it.


u r fuckin awesome

Thought of The Week. (8-5-17)

Thought of the Week: “No act of kindness, no matter how small. is ever wasted.”-Aseop.

One of the great beauties of life is that we never know for sure, exactly where it’s going to take us. We’re all just passengers tagging along for a fun, wild, ride. 

And Life well, let’s just say: she’s one hell of a driver. She’s bold and daring. If she pleases she’ll take you as high as the moon, only to send you plummeting twice as fast, back to what seems like, the fiery pits of hell… Well maybe not to that extreme, but the point is: life has its stages, of ups and downs. 

Each of us are at vastly different points in our lives. And while some of us are scraping the heavens, others are struggling to stay afloat.

The fact is, you never know what someone may be experiencing in their lives, the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, a terminal illness, or a lingering depression; are often things you can’t discern, just by looking at a person.When we enter the world beyond our doorsteps, we affect every single person we come in contact with.

A kind gesture, compliment, or even a smile could greatly impact someone’s day, which in turn could lead them to impact another’s. As human beings we need to spread more kindness, and less hate. I’m not saying you have to give out free hugs, but try spreading some love.

Go, get out there and start being nice.
