Thought of The Week. (8-5-17)

Thought of the Week: “No act of kindness, no matter how small. is ever wasted.”-Aseop.

One of the great beauties of life is that we never know for sure, exactly where it’s going to take us. We’re all just passengers tagging along for a fun, wild, ride. 

And Life well, let’s just say: she’s one hell of a driver. She’s bold and daring. If she pleases she’ll take you as high as the moon, only to send you plummeting twice as fast, back to what seems like, the fiery pits of hell… Well maybe not to that extreme, but the point is: life has its stages, of ups and downs. 

Each of us are at vastly different points in our lives. And while some of us are scraping the heavens, others are struggling to stay afloat.

The fact is, you never know what someone may be experiencing in their lives, the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, a terminal illness, or a lingering depression; are often things you can’t discern, just by looking at a person.When we enter the world beyond our doorsteps, we affect every single person we come in contact with.

A kind gesture, compliment, or even a smile could greatly impact someone’s day, which in turn could lead them to impact another’s. As human beings we need to spread more kindness, and less hate. I’m not saying you have to give out free hugs, but try spreading some love.

Go, get out there and start being nice.



4 thoughts on “Thought of The Week. (8-5-17)”

  1. Hi Marleana. My name is Tan and I’m in a similar position to you, I have 2 children and they are my full time passion, I am also writing these days. Exciting times for sure. Taking the words from your post I hope you have a wonderful day and that you encounter some happiness and great acts of kindness as a result of your post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for your comment, it’s nice to meet a fellow mom and writer! My girls have been giving me such a hard time this morning but your comment has definitely uplifted my spirits! So a big thanks to you, an I hope some kindness will relay back to you as well!


  3. Hi! Found your blog through the Pitch Wars / Brenda Drake’s site. I’m a writer mom of two (not twins though. God bless you!) seeking an agent too. It’s tough out there! Thanks for your encouraging post. Btw, I love the description of your novel. I hope you get an agent soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Stephanie! Being a mom and an aspiring author is tough. Things have been a little overwhelming for us lately, had to take a little break from everything myself. Thank you so much for your comment, I wish you good fortune on your hunt as well! I was unaware but am pleasantly surprised our blogs were shared on Brenda’s Site!


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